How to
become Invincible
All on Your Own

You were born with the power to heal yourself. 

I’m here to show you how.

Beyond the Noise...
Here’s to Genuine Wellness.

You’ve come here because you’re seeking more. More than just temporary fixes or the latest trend. More than just, “Take two of these pills and come back next week.” More than the endless list of health hacks and ‘proper nutrition’. 

You’re done with the constant confusion of what to eat, what to do and what supplements to take. You’re done with drowning in the endless noise in your mind, and being shackled by old beliefs that no longer serve your truth.

Your journey has been long – filled with doctor’s visits, an array of pills, supplements, a plethora of natural remedies, and countless sessions with various healers and specialists. You’ve gained insight, yes. But complete healing? That remains elusive. 

You’re at a turning point, ready to uncover the deepest truths, to finally discover what’s been missing. You’re not just looking for relief; you’re on a quest for transformation. It’s time to awaken your innate power, to find clarity amidst the confusion, to step into a life of genuine health and empowerment! Welcome to Spontaneous Healing. Welcome to the beginning of your true healing journey.

Beyond the Noise...
Here's to Genuine Wellness.

You’ve come here because you’re seeking more. More than just temporary fixes or the latest trend. More than just, “Take two of these pills and come back next week.” More than the endless list of health hacks and ‘proper nutrition’. 


You’re done with the constant confusion of what to eat, what to do and what supplements to take. You’re done with drowning in the endless noise in your mind, and being shackled by old beliefs that no longer serve your truth.


Your journey has been long – filled with doctor’s visits, an array of pills, supplements, a plethora of natural remedies, and countless sessions with various healers and specialists. You’ve gained insight, yes. But complete healing? That remains elusive. 


You’re at a turning point, ready to uncover the deepest truths, to finally discover what’s been missing. You’re not just looking for relief; you’re on a quest for transformation. It’s time to awaken your innate power, to find clarity amidst the confusion, to step into a life of genuine health and empowerment! Welcome to Spontaneous Healing. Welcome to the beginning of your true healing journey.

You Already Are Everything You Need

Yes, you were born with everything you need for thriving health, happiness, vitality and emotional well-being. Your body and mind are equipped to heal themselves and live as the epitome of health… Right Now! 

What’s even cooler is that our bodies have proven to heal at extraordinary rates! Days instead of months. Months instead of years! 

And that’s exactly what we will show you how to do! No need to follow extreme diets, have a massive list of supplements, or visit a doctor every time you stub your toe. No need to just ‘deal’ with your chronic pain while everyone just shrugs their shoulders and gives you more pain meds… That doesn’t actually work. 

Plus, how to just be healthy, happy and pain free each and every day.

This is how to…

Heal yourself from chronic pain, injury, migraines, trauma… Almost anything! Faster than you ever thought possible

(even if you’ve never done this before)

Rewrite limiting beliefs and step into a place of consistent positivity and joy!

Lead by example as a joyful role model for your family and friends

(your attitude and vibrancy will be infectious!)

How to never feel like you need something outside of yourself to heal or feel good ever again!

This is all about living the life you love. Feeling incredible all of the time. Feeling like you’re invincible! And most of all, trusting yourself fully!

Because you are all that you need. 

You are self reliant. 

You are self-regenerating – not exactly like a lizard – but still…

This is all about helping you unveil the invincible being within. You and I both know it’s there. Let’s bring it out and live healthy and heal fast!

I’ll help you every step of the way.

Getting older DOES NOT mean getting chronically tired, broken and slow! Here, our narrative is health and energy!

We will rewrite limiting beliefs around health and your body, then explain just how powerful you really are!

You will be able to heal from injury, pain or discomfort FAST using nothing other than yourself!

Healing is one thing, living with a feeling of fulfillment and purpose is EVEN MORE important. We will guide you toward purpose within your new healthy lifestyle!

No more stress, confusion, guru hacks, recommendations or crazy herbs from a deserted island. It’s time to be healthy and vibrant with the power of you!

Develop an empowering outlook for yourself and your life and how to continuously step toward it everyday!

You're In The Right Place If...

You're a Wellness Warrior... But You’re Exhausted…

You're Tired of the Strict and Endless Diets, Routines, Recommendations, Hacks and Not Sure They’re Even Working

You're Battling Chronic Pain and Desperately Looking For an Answer/Relief

You Feel Misunderstood or Lost in Your Health Journey

You Believe There is a Power Within You But You’re Unsure on How To Harness it

You Want to Feel Great, Empowered, Invincible and Energized Every Day

You Want to Quickly Recover From Injury, Excursion or Chronic Pain Quickly Without Medications, Or Substances
Outside Of Yourself

You Do NOT Want to Be Stuck On Medications or Visiting Doctors Frequently

You Want to Finally be on The Right Track Toward Health and Vitality

You Want to Live Peacefully & Stress Free

You Want to Feel Invincible & Simply Amazing Everyday

What People Have To Say...

"For ten years I have had chronic knee, back, wrist, neck and jaw pain. It has always hindered my experiences, even with simple everyday life. When I met Karissa after having my first baby I had pain all over my body. I have always thought my body would be in pain for the rest of my life, having medical professionals tell me the same, never helped that thought. After meeting with Karissa a couple of times she brought up these videos that teach about pain... and WOW did they make a huge difference! I recommend everyone watch them, even people who are not in chronic pain. They teach you what pain is and how and why you get it! And even knowing this knowledge can significantly reduce your pain! When I learned about it, 80% of my pain went away! I am not joking! It is actually unreal how good I feel now, I am active everyday now and know my body can handle the things I throw at it. I no longer think about my body as being weak or fragile. Now I view my body as strong and capable and if my body can't do something now all I see is a body that is gaining strength."

Courtney W.

"I came to see Karissa while I was pregnant with my second child. Karissa is very patient. She really took the time to listen and understand my concerns. Karissa was sensitive and respectful towards my past experiences which had contributed to my presenting challenges. I left feeling empowered as she reminded me that my body is strong, capable and healing. I came away with more than just exercises to do at home as I gained a new confidence and self acceptance. The physical and emotional work helped prepare me for a very successful, natural VBAC of my son. I am thankful she was a part of my pregnancy, birthing and postnatal journey."

Juliet R.

“I began to see Karissa a few months ago to help address a pain issue which my GP was unable to diagnose. She made me feel at ease that first visit, and I appreciated her approach (mind and body). Her compassion, care and extensive knowledge and expertise were evident and led to a diagnosis and follow up exercises for me during that initial appointment. I’m happy to say that I’ve seen great improvement and eventual resolution of the issue. I would highly recommend Karissa to anyone!“

Andrea M.

Hey there, I’m Karissa!

Healing has always been my calling. From as young as I can remember, there was always something a little different about me…


My views and intuition about the mind and body seemed… Let’s go with, unique… Especially in comparison to many around me…


I just had this knowing that everything was going to be okay. That I was all that I needed to be healthy… And that WE ALL individually have the power to heal ourselves. 


But, as I said, it wasn’t among the popular opinion…so, I moved through the years in silence… never speaking up in fear of being “crazy”.


However, through my personal experiences, I’ve seen reassurance of this power within. And through the years, my strong beliefs in my body, health and capabilities have led me to extraordinary things!

Including overcoming chronic pain and what felt like a death sentence.

And Here’s The Problem That I See…

Culturally, we have been trained to seek something outside of ourselves whenever we are in need of healing. We are trained to believe we need help to heal. That we need antibiotics, medications, specific diets and so on to be healthy.

And of course many recommendations are healthy. However, it molds the mindset away from empowerment and self sufficiency.

But, Here’s The Interesting Fact…

Even with all of this ‘help’, when your body, your mind, or spirit does in fact heal, it does so all by itself. And there is plenty of evidence showing that no matter what drug, procedure, surgery or program is introduced, some people do not heal at all.

Some people do ‘unhealthy’ things for 95+ years. Some people only do ‘healthy’ things and pass away at 45… Why is that?

Well, here is what I know to be true…

Healing Comes From Within.
When You Are Ready To Heal,
Your Body Will Respond.

Mute The Noise,
Tune Into Yourself…

“We are what we think,

all that we are arises with our thoughts,

with our thoughts we make the world.” -Buddah

Everyday We Are Crafting Our
World With Our Thoughts

For better or for worse…Our minds will continuously be shaped by external influences. For that we have no choice. 

However, we have every say in how we’re influenced. We have every say in what we want to see and what we want to hear. Most importantly, we have the say in what we think and how we choose to feel.

Thoughts = Feelings = Actions = Thoughts.

And in the age of technology and information, it is really easy to become overwhelmed. Even when you ARE being healthy, ‘not-so-healthy’ thought patterns can arise simply from all the things you ‘should’ be doing. 

And our goal here at Spontaneous Healing is to help clear you from those thought patterns. No one wants to be stuck with…

The utter confusion of numerous diets and claimed superfoods. Making shopping almost impossible (especially when you have a family)

Stuck in a pattern of constantly seeking answers and unsure of exactly what to do

Becoming more and more frustrated as time goes on because the list of nutritious things to do daily is INSANE

Getting stressed out from not getting to get to the gym 6 days a week

Beating yourself up because you simply cannot spend 2 hours cooking the super healthy, nutritious, vitamin rich, four-course, perfectly proportioned meal you were supposed to have

Feeling like you have to get the new supplements so you can rebalance some hormone

Constantly concerned about you and your families health and well-being.

This list will
NEVER end.

This list will NEVER end.

And that can be a counterproductive reality. You see, your body is listening to those thoughts. So, if you think you’re not doing everything right, or you’re not doing enough…

You’re right. Just as Buddah said…

Here, we are crafting the empowering narrative. The narrative of being happy, healthy, vibrant and capable of anything.

Because ‘all that we are arises with our thoughts’. 

It’s time to be the person you know you can be. The person I know you can be! The role model of vitality, health and freedom!

When you embrace your ability to heal yourself, tune into your inner wisdom and trust yourself fully, the possibilities are ENDLESS!

Give Yourself & Your Loved Ones
The Greatest Gift Of All...

Your Thriving Health